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An Advanced Dive Course

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You can take an advanced diving course if you have always wanted to be a professional diver. Advanced certifications include the PADI Advanced Open Water Diver (NAUI Peak Performance Buoyancy), SSI Advanced Diver (SSI Advanced Adventurer) and the PADI Advanced Open Water Diver (PADI Advanced Open Water Diver). What else do you need to know? Find out more. PADI Advanced Open Water Diver is only the beginning. What other qualifications are required to be a successful advanced diver.

PADI Advanced Open Water Diver

The Advanced Open Water Diver certification is the next step in your recreational scuba diving career. This course is offered by several diver training agencies, including the Professional Association of Diving Instructors and Scuba Schools International. PADI Advanced Open Water Diver is the best way to start your training. This course will allow you to dive to depths up to 18 metres. The course provides extra safety for certified divers and focuses on boat handling.

scuba certification

NAUI Advanced Adventurer

If you're planning to dive in the wild, the NAUI Advanced Adventurer dive course is the perfect choice. This course is designed for advanced scuba divers, and involves more challenging dives that a basic certification. In addition to other essential equipment, you'll also learn how a compass works, how to use a divelight, and how to use a slate. You will also be able to use DPVs underwater and dry suits. You can rent these items if you don’t have them. UnderSea Adventures can provide packages, rentals, or specialty gear for those who wish to enhance their scuba diving experiences.

SSI Advanced Diver

You may be a seasoned scuba diver who wants to improve your diving skills. This course covers the essential courses you need to be a Master Diver. After you have completed 50 dives, your certification as Master Diver will be automatically granted. Unlike PADI's, however, SSI doesn’t charge an application fee exceeding $50. Instead, you will get a certificate along with your dive logs so that you can track your progress.

NAUI Peak Performance Booyancy

Peak Performance Buoyancy Advanced Diving Course will improve your stability, control, as well as air consumption. The course teaches you how to position yourself properly and practice proper buoyancy control techniques, making it easier to navigate the underwater world. Additionally, you will be able to swim safely in the most delicate and dangerous underwater environments. After completing this course, you are eligible to receive the Peak Performance Buoyancy Specialty Certificate.

Underwater navigation

The word advanced has long been a matter of controversy. Some argue that advanced training does not offer more than basic introductory dive courses. This debate is controversial and there are many schools of thought. Advanced courses, in general, provide advanced skills that are not available in the basic course. These are just a few of the many benefits of an advanced scuba diving class. These skills can be useful in many situations and will greatly enhance your diving experience.

diving gear

Digital underwater photography

The Advanced Dive course in Digital Underwater Photography will help you improve your diving skills. This specialty will teach basic photography principles and how to take underwater photos. It also teaches how to edit photos. There are several PADI Online Learning courses. These courses are available online, offline, and even combined. You can connect with an instructor for further help, which is beneficial if you're new to the underwater world.


An Advanced Dive Course